Not Your Typical New Year’s Cliche…

Today I started a new Journey. I washed away the typical New Year’s “cliche” and chose to begin my Journey on a Monday, the 4th day of the new year. I don’t know if that means anything yet, but the way my life usually unfolds, I’m sure there is some kind of significance to it, lol. I reconnected to my Spirit within! After a decade of ups and downs, and please don’t misunderstand me, because I am grateful for them, (although I’ll admit some were really hard downs I never want to experience again) in 2021, I finally found my way…I Hoped…
At 45 “and a half,” (and I know some of you may find that 1/2 year thing silly, but since turning 45, or perhaps because of the pandemic, I have a greater awareness of time) every month that passes seems to count more and more. At times, my life seemed more like a movie or TV series, but then I’d blink hard a few times, adjust my vision, clear my throat and realize….yep, it’s real, it’s life, and it is mine. I saw that there are no limits or timeline on discovery and that is exactly what has been happening every day since I started my Journey.
Surprise! My Journey officially beat the “Typical New Year’s Cliche” that for many of us, fizzle out after a week or two… fading into a distant memory or turning into an extended commitment set up for the future titled the “I’ll try again next year.” April 6th, three months later, and I am still at it! Amazed by the clarity and wholeness I feel after making one simple decision, “Make a list of what you want to establish in your life Christine…and then begin!”…I now define “Discovery” as infinite findings! I am humbly grateful for my Faith and my enlightened relationship with Jesus Christ, who guides me as I discover more about myself everyday! With an insatiable thirst to continually Discover, Thrive and LIVE, I also acknowledge that I must remain grounded because every day does not guarantee a Euphoric Experience. I accept that Trials and Tribulations will still play a role in my journey, and let’s face it, we know they happen very unexpectedly, knocking the wind out of us, and throwing us for a loop! But I know not to beat myself up for them, but learn from them instead. I have been enlightened and finally understand that these happenings are normal. I am only human, and get this…actually accept that fact too! I may sound completely crazy and hear some of you saying, “She’s a human. What the heck is she rambling about?!” But sadly, it was the truth….I didn’t accept the “human-being” concept; rejecting and beating myself up for so many things. Thankfully, that time is over and I now gain insight and wisdom to living and being ME on the daily. I am learning and understanding myself and others, healing and growing, knowing and most importantly believing in myself while living it!
If you are like me, and know we were created in God’s image, Be Excited! If you believe otherwise, Be Excited too! Search for that Enthusiasm that breeds Enlightenment, Divine Discovery, and Love of Yourself! YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE ON THE DROP OF A DIME! Take a deep breath, write a list of what YOU would like, and KNOW that you don’t need a “New Year’s Cliche” to begin because EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY!
Enlightened Christine
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